Scientists present an overview of the synthesis and application of graphene (G) for corrosion protection. Chemically modified graphene oxide (GO) emerged as new class of corrosion inhibitors.
Graphene and graphene derivatives with the large surface area are receiving significant attention as good additives into anti-corrosion coatings due to their excellent hydrophobicity, chemical resistance, stability, high mechanical strength. The graphene oxide (GO), on the other hand, has shown high water dispersibility because of its hydrophilic nature, attributed to the presence of oxygen-containing functional groups.
Moreover, the presence of functional groups on the surface of GO facilitates chemical functionalization, which enhances the dispersibility and corrosion inhibition performance. The GO-based aqueous corrosion inhibitors is a new area gaining attention from the corrosion scientists.

Major works on graphene and its derivatives
The chapter features the major works on graphene and its derivatives as a new class of materials for corrosion control and covers the synthesis of modified GO and their salient features as corrosion-resistant coatings and inhibitors. The major objectives of the article are to explore the various covalent/ non-covalent approaches for the modification of graphene and GO. An outline of the different types of single and multi-layer graphene-based anticorrosion coatings is discussed. An overview of the literature on the chemically modified GO-based aqueous corrosion inhibitors is outlined with a focus on the different mechanisms underlying the corrosion protection behavior. Finally, the research prospects on some newly emerging 2D material-based corrosion protecting agents is also explored.